Tuesday, 8 September 2009

On-going website saga

I am very dis-appointed to say that despite all my best efforts, I can still not manage to make contact with my 'web designer'.

This means that I can still not access any emails sent via the co.uk website. I cannot apologise enough to anyone that has emailed via this link.

This could not have happened at a worse time of the year, August and September being the busiest time with weddings. All my brides and grooms have been able to access their galleries through a seperate site and will continue to be able to do so. It does mean however, that being so busy, I have not had time to try to work out how to make a new website. Computer technology is not my forte. This is something I hope to be able to remedy very soon.

If anyone needs to email me, please email to jennytonkinphotography@gmail.com