Friday, 19 June 2009

Very quick update

Last Friday I have the pleasure of photographing Sarah and Ians wedding at the beautiful Fredricks Hotel. I think it is safe to say everyone had a fabulous day and Sarah looked stunning and so very happy. I returned in the evening after they had revived themselves in the Spa and took some more photographs of them in their evening wear. Sarah wore a fabulous bright orange dress and some really funky shoes. I could not wear heels that high!

They are currently sunning and swimming in the Maldives, lucky pair, but are hopefully checking in on their emails because their gallery of photographs is now ready for them to view. I promised them I would not show them to anyone else before they had seen them, (only right I think), so once I know they have had a look I will upload some for you to see.

On a side note, if anyone is thinking of a wedding in a hotel in Maidenhead, Fredricks must be on your 'to see' list. I cannot rate the staff and location highly enough. Every member of staff without exception was so polite, friendly and helpful. The food was scrummy and the ambience superb. Contact Marsha who is their wedding co-ordinator if you want a chat, she if fantastic.
Well done everyone at Fredricks.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Quick update

I am really terrible at keeping this blog up to date aren't I!

I had a lovely day a week or so ago with a lady opening a new interior design business. Once her website is up and running I will add a link. We had fun shooting some images for use on the website that would show off her wonderful design skills. Her husband had the task of choosing which of the portrait shots would go onto her site, luckily for him we had already culled the images before he saw the final choices.

I have been cleaning all my equipment and ensuring batteries are charged and memory cards formatted, ready for Ian and Sarahs wedding tomorrow at Fredricks Hotel. I do hope the rain holds off. As usual though I will do yet another check tonight before I go to bed, its a bit like thinking you have not locked the door when you go out and you have to go back and check, again!

I have had another image published, sold through the stock agency I supply. I am always secretly really chuffed when I know one of my images is in print. Only I must remember to actually go out and buy a copy of the magazine that I have been told its in.